We believe that Jesus is God.
He was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, worked miracles and gave us an example to follow. He is fully God and fully man and now sits at the right hand of the Father to intercede for us.
We believe that Jesus taught us how to live.
He showed us through His life how to follow God in full obedience. His love and commitment to follow God is an example to us on how to live with intention and purpose. If we commit to following Jesus, we are committing to put God and others before ourselves. Following Him makes us better at life.
We believe that Jesus died and came back to life.
The punishment for sin is death. He took our place and died the death we should have faced. In three days, Jesus came back to life, was seen by eyewitnesses, and is still at work today through His Spirit. Without the resurrection, there is no Christianity. His resurrection allows us to overcome sin and spiritual death.
We believe that Jesus saved us by grace.
We are not saved from the punishment of our sin by our good deeds, nor do we have the ability to earn our way into heaven. We are saved by believing in the death and resurrection of Jesus, who established His power and victory over sin and death.
We believe that Jesus sent us on a mission.
Following Jesus is about following His instructions. He sent us to tell His story. We are sent to share His story to a world that is looking for purpose, healing, true love, and hope. He is and will continue to do great things through His Church.