Transit (6th-8th Grade)
Inside Out (9th-12th Grade)
We know the middle years can be complicated. Students are growing up fast and need a place where they can learn how God sees them. Our goal is to create a community where every student knows they matter and belong. The road through middle school may be bumpy, but it doesn’t have to be lonely.
Join Transit for a 4-week series Courage. Many students fear what people would think if they stood up for Truth. It is tempting for students to blend in with the crowd and keep silent. The risk of being rejected or alone for speaking up seems far too great. In these four inspiring sessions of this youth Bible study, Francis Chan opens up the Scriptures and shows students how their faith in Christ can give them the ability to live lives defined by courage. Students share real-life stories regarding their struggles and successes in the face of adversity.
The pivotal season of high school goes by fast. While the goal is often to survive these years, InsideOut is here to help students make the most of them. InsideOut is for high school students curious about faith and eager to discover how a relationship with Jesus could change their lives, from the inside out.
Join Inside Out for a 4-week series Outdated. There are plenty of assumptions about dating and marriage in today’s world. According to the culture’s standards, decisions about how to date, when to date, and who to date are all up to you and your preference. But what about God’s standards regarding intimate relationships and choosing a partner?
In this four-session series, pastor and author Jonathan Pokluda will discuss the joys and frustrations that come with dating as a Christian and the ideologies of the world that impact how we approach relationships.